Acharya Shri 108 Krishnamaniji Maharaj is the present Jagadguru Acharya (Religious Head) of Shri Krishna Pranami Sampradaya. At present, this Sampradaya has over 10 million followers and more than 800 temples and centers spread all over the world.

Nijanandacharya Shri Devchandraji Maharaj is the founder of this Sampradaya. He established Shri 5 Navtanpuri Dham as the Acharya Peeth (chief seat) of this Sampradaya in Jamnagar in 1630 AD. His main disciple Mahamati Shri Prannathji propagated the philosophy of this Sampradaya all over the world. In this Acharya Parampara (Tradition), Acharya Shri 108 Krishnamaniji Maharaj is the 14th Acharya of this Sampradaya.

Under his able guidance, alongwith cultivating a spirit of universal brotherhood & reverence for all religions, the Sampradaya has been involved in many social & humanitarian activities in the field of education, health, human welfare, relief and rehabilitation. It conducts Kinder Gartens, Primary Schools, High Schools, Higher secondary Schools,Gurukuls, colleges & Goushalas (cow breeding farm). It runs hospitals, dispensaries & organizes Medical camps regularly. It arranges health awareness, tree plantation, water preservation and helps in building of check-dams, digging of small ponds in fields for water preservation etc. It sponsors environment oriented activities and participates in instant relief programs for the affected people during natural calamities like flood ravage, drought, cyclone & earthquake. Many Schools, temples & shelters were constructed for the affected people during cyclone & earthquake. This kind of service centres are spread all over the country which run social & humanitarian activities from time to time.